
Join our fascinating and free online seminars focusing on cutting edge science

By Ajay Sharman posted 19-10-2021 14:33

Did you know we run fascinating free online seminars for teachers, technicians, school career advisors and STEM Ambassadors?

These seminars are an excellent opportunity to improve subject knowledge on cutting edge science and engineering research from senior researchers across the UK. They give STEM teachers and careers leads an opportunity to hear from leading academic and industrial researchers about their work, its relevance today and for the societies of tomorrow.

The seminars will also highlights the different careers in research and routes into them through the speakers own journeys. For more details and to book follow the links below.

'Watching the earth quake from space' - Thursday 4 November 3.30pm-4.15pm

This seminar, given by Dr Ruth Amey from University of Leeds, will give an overview of how we use satellites to observe, monitor and understand earthquakes. This includes identifying where earthquakes have occurred in the past, how we use satellites to understand earthquakes as they happen today, and how we try to identify areas potentially at risk of earthquakes in the future.

It will be delivered via Microsoft Teams, book here.

'Transforming waste - using CO2 to make chemicals' COP26 Climate Change Special  - Thursday 9 December 3.30pm-4.15pm

Seminar from Dr Daniel Stewart, CEO of an innovation driven start-up, and former University-based researcher discussing the opportunities that exist for chemistry to make an impact on one of the greatest challenges facing humans –CO2 emissions.

Learn how chemical technologies can be developed to reduce CO2 emissions, fossil fuel reliance, and make for a sustainable, cleaner future. It will be delivered by Microsoft Teams, book here.




21-10-2021 22:19

These sound fantastic!

20-10-2021 09:53

Excellent opportunities.