
Encourage youngsters to spot wildlife during the summer holidays

By Mary Howell posted 27-07-2022 14:52

A couple of fab activities here to get young people out and about in nature during the summer holidays!

Big Butterfly Count

The big butterfly count involves downloading an ID chart, watching a specific spot for 15 mins and recording butterflies, then entering the results. It's a UK-wide survey aimed at helping us assess the health of our environment simply by counting the amount and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths) we see. It closes on Sunday 7 August.

The BIG Hedgehog Map

It's a great time of year to spot hedgehogs or make a hole in a fence or wall to make a 'hedgehog highway.' The BIG Hedgehog Map is a hub for mapping the UK's hedgehogs, and pledging to make holes for them. It's part of Hedgehog Street, a national campaign to save hedgehogs by People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) & British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS).

If these activities have whetted your appetite for wildlife spotting and contributing to data, you can find out more here and on the BBC site.
