
Discussion of the week (Secondary): Reading for Science ITT students

By Tim Bradbury posted 11-06-2021 16:32

This week I'd like to draw your attention to a discussion that has recently regained some traction.  The post by @Claire Ruthven asks: 
'Looking for recommendations for articles, blogs, books, weblinks etc. for Science ITTs to help specifically with Science subject knowledge and pedagogy'
As we approach the summer and our next cohort of ITT students prepare to begin their training I think it would be fab if we could have a list of member suggested material for them to take a look at over the summer in preparation! If you have any favorites please do pop into the discussion and drop Claire a reply, I'll collate them all in a few weeks and surface them when we launch career phase groups in the near future!

Thanks to @Mark Langley, @Adam Little, @Stuart Reynolds, @Karen Hornby, @Mary Howell, @Louise Herbert for your contributions so far!

1 comment



23-06-2021 09:58

I am a new tutor of science - with no PGCE - no idea if this is "correct" but what I have found useful are the resources (through this website) called BEST. (Best evidence science teaching) I have been going through the diagnostic concept questions for the big ideas. Biology - cellular basis of life. And physics Forces, and chemistry Particle Model.
What I like is how they explain how the science story develops as kids get older. And I have been testing myself, to check that my concepts are actually clear. It is really useful to see the kind of confusions students can have, and the prevalence of these is a real eye opener. When you've been taught well.. you can be blind to all the real difficulties others may have. 
In addition I have found some resources - workbook and textbook by an outfit called Mastery Science. I have only seen the free samples, as the books are out of stock. What's interesting is they're showing you how to teach so that students can answer the new difficult questions in GCSE, applying models/ concepts to new situations. And they suggest teaching thoroughly to mastery even in years 7-9 so you don't have to reteach it during GCSE years.

Please correct me if I'm wrong as I offer this in ignorance of anything better!