
Calling all 7 to 14 year olds - enter the Build for Birds competition and win amazing prizes!

By Elizabeth Hooper posted 08-02-2024 11:18


Birds are facing environmental challenges and habitat loss. Hosted in partnership with the LEGO Group, The Day's Build for Birds live lesson and competition will inspire your 7-14-year-old students to care about bird conservation and use their creativity to design safer spaces for our feathered friends to rest, feed and shelter in. It’s the perfect activity to accompany the RSPB Big School Birdwatch.

The Day and the LEGO Group are challenging 7-14-year-olds to reimagine their school or local green space to make it into a safer home and space for our feathered friends to rest, feed, and shelter in.

Following the live lesson, your task is to create a safe space for birds that is both sustainable and functional. In order to create a winning design, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Firstly, it’s important to think about how the shelter will work in the space available. Your design should aim to support the birds that can be found in your area. The shelter could also serve as a decorative feature or a space for education.
  • Secondly, your design should work for your chosen birds. Consider the types of birds that live in the area and whether there are any new species you would like to attract. The shelter should provide a safe and comfortable habitat for birds, while also enhancing the surrounding ecosystem.
  • Finally, your design should be good for the planet! Sustainability must be a top priority when considering your design. Also, it will be important to consider how its design can withstand extreme weather events in your area. Additionally, try to use sustainable materials in the construction of the shelter to minimise its environmental impact.

Entries must be submitted by 5 March - find out more and enter here!

1 comment


11-02-2024 21:41

Thank you, looks like a great activity for our Gardening Club
