
Electronics Everywhere

By Karen Hornby posted 01-04-2021 13:05


Electronics Everywhere is a collaborative project featuring hands-on activities that teach core Electronics concepts for A-level Physics and Computer Science students respectively. You can find out more about the projects here: 

This academic year they are focusing on state-schools in the NW, NE and SW.  

For each school, they provide – free of charge – a classroom set of 10 boards and train a teacher, via an online CPD course.

Electronics Everywhere provides:

  • Re-usable classroom resources.  These are manufactured in the UK and loaned, free of charge, to state schools.
  • Aligned with A-Level curriculum for both Physics.
  • Connecting physics and computing curricula, through real-world contemporary contexts, to future engineering careers
  • Investing in teachers.  Enabling teachers to deliver the Computer Science and Physics A-Level curriculum in a more engaging, hands-on, way
  • Supporting materials for teachers available on-line
  • Explainer videos available on-line, along with extension work.

If teachers/schools would like to register their interest, then they can contact them via

1 comment


02-04-2021 09:17

Great to hear that core Electronics ( hardware ) is getting attention again. 
I was one of the few pioneers in New Zealand.  some of us still doing our bit to bring electronics and robotics out of polytechnics into secondary schools.  Unfortunately, specialist teachers are in short supply in New Zealand and hands-on learning is happening at a snail speed. 
Please let me know if you need some assistance, I would like to collaborate with you. 
Melvin Din 
Electronics Education
