Electronics Everywhere is a collaborative project featuring hands-on activities that teach core Electronics concepts for A-level Physics and Computer Science students respectively. You can find out more about the projects here: https://www.ukesf.org/schools/electronics-everywhere/
This academic year they are focusing on state-schools in the NW, NE and SW.
For each school, they provide – free of charge – a classroom set of 10 boards and train a teacher, via an online CPD course.
Electronics Everywhere provides:
- Re-usable classroom resources. These are manufactured in the UK and loaned, free of charge, to state schools.
- Aligned with A-Level curriculum for both Physics.
- Connecting physics and computing curricula, through real-world contemporary contexts, to future engineering careers
- Investing in teachers. Enabling teachers to deliver the Computer Science and Physics A-Level curriculum in a more engaging, hands-on, way
- Supporting materials for teachers available on-line
- Explainer videos available on-line, along with extension work.
If teachers/schools would like to register their interest, then they can contact them via electronics.everywhere@ukesf.org