ReadySetCode is a sustained engagement programme of three online sessions, beginning in January 2023 and ending in March 2023 with an in-person graduation day at Christ Church, Oxford.
The online sessions, led by members of the Department of Computer Science and Christ Church, will offer students in-depth investigations of topic areas outside of the school curriculum, combining theory with interactive exploration. We aim to help students explore the world of Computer Science and hope to inspire them to continue their engagement with the subject.
The sessions will introduce students to Oxford teaching methods and will involve small-group work. The small group nature of the online sessions means you will be expected to actively participate in the session: you will need to have access to a tablet or computer and both a microphone, and speakers/headphones. You will also need to be make sure that, at the time of the online sessions, you are in location that’s condusive to you participating. [If lack of access to the technology described above, or the cost of travel to the in-person day is a barrier to you taking part, please let us know this in the relevant section of the application form. We might be able to help.]
The final day of the programme will be an in-person graduation day held in Oxford. Successful students will be invited to bring a parent/carer to accompany them on the day. Sessions designed to support students in their progression to university – for example, in supporting A Level choice – will also form part of the programme alongside the academic elements. There will also be a careers panel talk with Computer Science alumnae during the programme and a chance to meet current students.
Find out more here