
What’s your New Year’s resolution from the STEM Clubs Handbook?

By Tim Bradbury posted 04-12-2021 11:21


What’s your New Year’s resolution from the STEM Clubs Handbook? from @Joanne Mitchell

December has seen the launch of the revised and updated STEM Clubs handbook – a practical guide to running a club for young people involving STEM subjects. The handbook, all shiny and decked out in Christmassy colours will take readers on a journey through a wonderland of best practice and shared knowledge.

Whether new to STEM clubs or experienced old hands who are keen to revitalise or fill their club with jolly happy club members, the new handbook has a set of goodies just for you. Explore the delights of setting objectives and measuring success, plan seasonal themed activities, explore the best ways to engage students, gain support from colleagues, senior leadership, or STEM Ambassadors.

The handbook is full of little treats, but the biggest gift is an entire section filled with skill sets! A brand-new inclusion that focuses on employability and digital skills. These are easy wins in any STEM Club but could be likened to the present left behind the tree, discovered only when the fun and excitement of the season is ended. These skill sets are the gift that keeps on giving to your students. Reaching across topics, subjects, exams, university, apprenticeships, and careers. They are the skill sets we all use, often not recognising when we do, or worse like Mr Scrooge we do just enough and ignore the bigger need.

These important skills can be easily incorporated into your club activities, make it obvious to the students when they use them, highlight aspects where they could incorporate them and help them to improve. Give them the gift of skills they will use for the rest of their lives – and don’t forget to hone your own skills either! Go on, make it your STEM Clubs New Year’s Resolution!
For more details please contact @Joanne Mitchell

