
The British Interplanetary Society wants to know what you did during World Space Week

By Victoria Southgate posted 15-10-2021 11:49

The British Interplanetary Society is the official National Coordinator for the UK and although WSW2021 has come to a close for the world, for all the international coordinators, the real work is just beginning. 
The BIS now has to prepare a report to the global association (WSWA) who, every year, chose the top nations to spotlight in their report to the United Nations. 
The BIS would like the UK to be a spotlighted nation, but we need your help!
For us to prepare the UK report, we need to gather as much information as we can from event holders, schools, social media campaigns and celebrations throughout the week, and whilst there are many registered UK events on the global calendar, there are many more that have have not yet been registered. 
WSW2021 events that occur between 1st - 15th October can still be registered as official WSW events at (you will need to create an account to register).
All WSW2021 event holders are also asked to return to their registered events and update their event results. 
If you celebrated WSW in ANY way, and have still not registered it at we would be grateful if you could do this before the 31st October.
Our National Coordinator's Annual Report highlights the number of UK registered events and their impact and educational reach, nationally and internationally. 
Please remember to register your event, even if it was accessible globally (eg an online event) as originating from the United Kingdom, so we can ensure it is added to the UK successes.
If you need any assistance; or want to tell us about an unregistered event you attended; or that you are already planning your WSW2022 celebrations, please contact me at
Many thanks for supporting WSWUK and for using space to inspire.
Victoria Southgate
UK National Coordination Manager
On behalf of The British Interplanetary Society.
