
Governing an effective careers programme

By Joanne Mitchell posted 12-10-2021 13:49


The role of a school governor takes dedication, a sense of purpose and a willingness to support young people through their formative years. When it comes to delivering high quality careers education, school governors are uniquely positioned to combine their expertise and support with a life of industry and academic experiences. However, even the most dedicated governor needs assistance when it comes to staying up to date with the changing opportunities within STEM careers. In this blog we highlight some of the key areas of support that governors can access, including high-quality resources and training.

We all know that schools have a responsibility to raise awareness of careers and employability skills, helping to ensure young people can make informed decisions about their futures and have the skills that employers seek. Developing a STEM approach within a schools’ careers strategy is an important part of the careers puzzle, as it supports young people to make informed decisions about STEM further study and helps to ensure that all young people see STEM careers as an opportunity for ‘somebody like them’.

So, what can governors access when it comes to upskilling around STEM and careers specific strategies?

Helpfully, the National Governors Association has produced in collaboration with the Careers and Enterprise Council new guidance on providing an effective careers programme. The guidance states that providing good careers guidance is a fundamental aspect of governance. This includes considering the monitoring and evaluating of the careers programme and ensuring the school meets its responsibilities towards the Gatsby Career Benchmarks. Each board of governors is recommended to appoint a member who will take a strategic interest in careers and encourage employer engagement.

When it comes to increasing awareness around STEM subject support, the STEM Learning website has collections of supportive materials and training opportunities that governors can access and use for both their own, their leadership and their teaching staff’s development.

Finally, there is a wide range of STEM career resources available through STEM Learning, including:

Many schools may already have an active and invested board keen to promote careers awareness, others may not yet see the key role they can play. Whether invested or disinterested, it would be good to hear how involved your school governors are and whether the new guidance will make a difference? 




25-10-2021 12:45

@Nicola Wallis I quite agree and involving parents in a career’s awareness week is a super idea. They can raise their own levels of knowledge so they can be more supportive of their children’s ideas. It is also a great way for them to share their own career paths and journeys.  I think Governors and parents can be great role models and influencers. As a governor yourself, you might be interested in the Skills Builder Partnership which helps pupils of all ages learn about employability skills. They have a free framework to help teachers and pupils enhance their skills. It can be easy to integrate into every subject, as it raises awareness of the skills as you use them and how to enhance them. Knowing about transferable employability skills helps prepare pupils for their entire education and into future careers. please let us know how careers awareness continues to build in your school.

13-10-2021 10:09

Here in Coventry and Warwickshire we have a large number of activity kits available for schools to borrow free of charge. Also we have developed many Activity Guides free to download and utilise.
Please see
Also most of which are free to use.

13-10-2021 07:03

I am a school governor and with my primary school we were starting to look at this pre covid. It is being looked at again and we are hoping to run a careers/inspiration week during the first term of 2022 with the input from Governors as well as parents.
I think it is so important to provide young people with the awareness of careers and employability skills so they have the information to make decisions.