
Announcing Curio: Cutting Edge Science and Innovation Research Seminar Series

By Karen Hornby posted 12-04-2021 12:51


Curio is an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge of cutting edge science and engineering research from senior researchers across the UK.  This short seminar series gives STEM teachers and careers leads an opportunity to hear from leading academic and industrial researchers about their work, its relevance today and for the societies of tomorrow. 

The seminars will also highlight the different careers in research and routes into them through the speaker's own journeys.

We'll be posting all future seminars in this series on our events listing page.

Our first seminar is titled

Making Noise about Sound, by Dr Nikhil Mistry 


Short seminar from University-based, industry-facing underwater acoustics researcher, Dr Nikhil Mistry (MEng PhD MIOA), highlighting various applications of acoustics research, including recent advances and current projects. Links will be made between careers, research and school curricula.


Teachers, School Career Advisors, Technicians

Date and time

Thursday 29 April 2021:  15.15 - 16.00

CPD type

Remote via MS Teams (link will follow after registration)


Booking Link 


1 comment



27-04-2021 14:53

Hi, it says that the future events in this series will be listed on their events listing page, what page do they mean and are there dates for the coming seminars? Thank you very much. Best Wishes Sara