
Think outside of the box with our summer science forums!

By Louise Herbert posted 11-04-2024 10:13


As a teacher, I can’t help but be impressed and inspired by seeing how senior doctors work together to discuss cutting edge treatments and diagnoses in their speciality. Often, they are pushing the boundaries and working outside of existing guidelines for patients who may really need urgent help and for whom normal approaches are difficult. This will sometimes be in the form of a symposium on a certain topic that brings together doctors from across the country from a variety of settings.  

In contrast, education CPD or teacher events can frequently be aimed at topics where current thinking is already fully-shaped and we have a variety of evidence to back up our position. Or they can be most beneficial for newer entrants to the profession, who require a ground-up approach rather than pushing at the cutting edge. Its often difficult to engage with basic topics in CPD if you already have a variety of experience and the nuance of your context is something that makes implementation problematic. You may also want to be forward thinking and work on something that does not have a great evidence base as yet, but may still make a difference to your students. Sometimes, this will mean you would like to develop your thoughts on something wider than the focus in your school or trust - and start to think outside the box! 

STEM Learning’s summer forums at the National STEM Learning Centre in York are designed to present research, experience or ideas about a specific science-related topic to develop your thinking. Crucially, they also allow you time to discuss your thoughts and contexts in detail and learn from those of others. If you are a leader or experienced teacher, you will be part of the team and bring your expertise to the event.  

The Saturday event will begin with input and discussion prompts from different aspects of the topic and the final session will encourage you to bring your questions and discuss them in that group of like-minded individuals. We will also provide a closed discussion group on the STEM Community to follow up your thoughts and continue to support you in talking about the implementation of ideas back in your setting. The lovely setting in York will also mean you have time for some shopping and the chance to explore the city further for the rest of the weekend!  

Each course costs £75+VAT, and there are three fantastic topics: 

