
New Leader – b) Primary Certificate - Primary Leadership Journey

By Phil Wickins posted 20-06-2024 12:26


This is the second blog in the ‘New leader’ section. Please read the New Leader blog on the NCCE Website (link coming soon) to understand the Primary Computing Leadership Journey further. Click on the graphic below for links to individual areas:

Leadership Pathway

The Primary Computing Certificate is not as difficult to attain as you might think! This accreditation from BCS is nationally recognised and the chances are, you’re already on your way to gaining it. 
Take a look at the Journey specifically designed for subject leaders: Primary Computing Certificate – Specialising or Leading – You may have already embarked on many of the activities that count towards your certificate; CPD sessions, interaction with the STEM learning community, using, adapting and reviewing NCCE resources like the Teach Computing Curriculum

One of the reasons of introducing this so early on in a new leader’s journey is to encourage you to enrol so that any activities you do can immediately start contributing to your certificate. What the certificate also does is to introduce you to the STEM learning communities, in particular the Teaching and Leading Primary Computing forum. This will be an essential tool for you to find out information, network with other leaders, find out the latest updates and changes to the Teach Computing Curriculum and even try out other people’s adaptations and resources. 

To get you started with your progress once you’ve signed up to the Primary Computing Certificate, have a look at some of these helpful courses:
Leading primary computing - module 1
Assessment of primary computing
Get started with the Teach Computing Curriculum in your primary school

Many teachers have already completed the certificate, have a look at what Hayley had to say about it:

Pri Cert

Have you completed the Primary Computing Certificate? What has it done for you? Tell us in the comments below!

Next blog: Curriculum

Previous blog: Roles and Responsibilities

#LeadingPrimaryComputing #ComputingQualityFramework #TeachPrimaryComputingCertificate

