
Test your students to explain quantum science or technology in a 3 minute video

By Steve Castle posted 06-01-2022 10:31

School students: can you explain quantum science or technology in a 3-minute video?

And your three minutes start ... now!

Physicist Richard Feynman once said "I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics" - can you help us prove him wrong? We challenge you to create a three-minute video about any aspect of quantum science or technology, that a High School student can understand.

Watch our video summary of the competition:

Scroll down to find out about the competition organisers (IOP QQQ group) and sponsors:

Quantum? Is that the thing with the cat?

Yes! Schrödinger's cat is a popular quantum thought experiment. Some systems such as tiny particles show quantum behaviour, where they can be in two places at once, called a superposition of states. Erwin Schrödinger pointed out that if cats can also be quantum, then they can be dead and alive at the same time.

But there's lots more to quantum than cats and superpositions! The electronics in the phone or computer that you are reading this webpage on rely on quantum mechanics. People are racing to build quantum computers - which can perform many calculations at once. Quantum particles have been sent to space on satellites to enable ultra-secure quantum communication. There are experiments to show quantum teleportation, and debates about whether there are many quantum universes.

The  laws of Quantum on the Clock

  1. Create a video on any aspect of quantum science or technology, that is no longer than 3 minutes.
  2. You can submit your video individually or in a team of up to four.
  3. The video must be accurate, and if the chosen topic is controversial or under debate, then this should be mentioned in the video.
  4. The video should not promote a particular company or organisation, though they can be mentioned as examples of e.g. who is implementing a quantum technology. 
  5. The video can be in any format! It could be a single person or a group of people talking to the camera; a drama; visuals and animation; song, poetry or dance; or something else... all creativity is welcome. 


The competition is open to students in the UK and Ireland, in their final two years of pre-university education. This includes A-level, International Baccalaureate, Scottish Higher and Advanced Higher (S5 and S6), Irish Senior Cycle, or equivalent courses.

We strongly encourage submissions from students with all backgrounds that are underrepresented in the physics community.

If you are not eligible for the competition, but think quantum sounds cool anyway - check out our collection of online quantum resources for some fun quantum reading.

Submission and updates

Entries must be submitted by 31st March 2022. You will be able to submit your entry by submitting a link to your video. The link to the submission form will be uploaded here by February 2022. 

To get updates about the competition, you can follow @qqq_iop on Twitter.


The winners and runners-up of the competition will all receive cash prizes, with the team cash prizes being shared between the team members.

The winners of "Best individual" and "Best team" prizes will also receive a 1-year subscription to Physics World and an expenses-paid invitation to a prize-giving event at the Photon 2022 conference dinner, with the opportunity to network with expert quantum researchers at a major UK conference. 

One representative from each winning entry for the Sponsor prizes will also be invited to the prize-giving event (if the winning entry is a team, they can choose one representative). 

In 2022 the conference is taking place in Nottingham, 30th August to 2nd September.

The prizes available are:

Best individual video

1-year Physics World subscription, prize-giving event invitation 


Best team video

1-year Physics World subscription, prize-giving event invitation


National Physical Laboratory Prize 

for most creative video


National Quantum Computing Centre Prize

for best explained video


IBM Quantum Prize

for most engaging video


Oxford Quantum Circuits Prize

for most well-researched video


Universal Quantum Prize

for the best video response to the question "What would you do with a 1-million qubit quantum computer?"


9 Runners-Up Prizes 

for highly commended entries


