Slight cheat this week, picking up on a fairly new post that I am particularly interested in and would love to see develop into a rich discussion.
Diversity in science or indeed STEM is something I am particularly passionate about. In this thread @Alison Ackroyd asks for help with ideas to show women in science, and challenge preconceptions about who can become a scientist.
Taking to young people about topics like diversity is vital when we consider social mobility, opportunities and career aspirations. Encouraging children to be the best they can be, reassuring them that they can do whatever they want without the barriers of social constructs as long as they are willing to work for it.
If you were to ask a 6 year old child to draw a picture of a scientist what do you think they would draw?...
You can join @Alison Ackroyd's discussion here
Thanks to @Kathryn Horan @Jo Montgomery and @Jenny Watson for your contributions so far.
If you have any suggestions regarding the wider topic of diversity and inclusion in STEM then please pop them in the comments below.