
Increased visibility and celebration of women in STEM will drive global innovation

By Tim Bradbury posted 17-01-2022 09:39

On 11th February we shall be celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.  In this news article from Education Technology, Professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, information, mathematics, and statistics at UC Berkeley, Jennifer Chayes explores why better recognition and celebration of the achievements of women in STEM is crucial to helping deliver solutions to some of humanity's biggest challenges. 

The article reflects on the achievements of women in STEM and highlights Dr Sarah Gilbert's discovery of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine as a rare example of a female scientist being so publicly recognised and celebrated. 

The story goes on to discuss t
he education system and the teaching community have a crucial role to play in achieving this, from placing more explicit attention to the achievements of female scientists, to nurturing female pupils who show an initial interest in STEM and ensuring they have the support systems to pursue it. 

The article ends with a call to reflect and act... 
By continuing to celebrate and recognise the achievements of females within STEM, we can energise new talent and inspire the next generation of women to consider a rewarding career in STEM disciplines while simultaneously accelerating global innovation and solutions to complex challenges.   My message to anyone considering a career in STEM would be to always question what you don't understand, work very hard, dream big, and remember that in the end, what matters the most is the positive effect you can have on humanity and the world around you.

Share your stories and ideas...
What got YOU into STEM? How do you ensure that girls are engaged with and enthused by STEM education and STEM subjects?  Do you have any strategies? celebrate recognised events? Engage with female STEM Ambassadors in the classroom? Join the discussion here

