STEM Ambassador Paul Treble is offering the following hands on
activities delivered using ZOOM to support the science curriculum in
primary schools. Each package takes an hour to deliver and includes an
introduction in which Paul talks about how interesting his life in
science has been.
Hole in the hand / Bee swingers. Sound is on the year 4 curriculum.
It sounds painful but anyone can make a hole in their hand! The science
is about binocular vision. Bee swingers make a buzzing noise and are a
good way to explore how
sounds are made by changing the length and tension in a rubber band.
Key drop / Sixth Sense toy. Forces and magnetism are on the year 3
Key Drop uses the angular momentum of a small weight to wrap a length
of string round a pencil to create a frictional force sufficient to stop
a larger weight (e.g., a bunch of keys or a piece of Blu-tack) from
dropping to the floor.
Sixth sense toy. Students experiment with a toy being pulled across a
table by a weight hung over the table edge. Why does the toy always stop
before it reaches the edge of the table? Does it really have a sixth
sense or is it just to do with the forces of gravity and friction?
Gripping rice / Magnetic compass. Forces and magnetism are on the year
3 curriculum.
Gripping rice challenges students to pick up jars full of rice with
just a pencil or sharpened stick. It can be done but why does it work?
The science is to do with the packing of the rice in the jar and
Make a magnetic compass of your own! Demonstrates how to magnetise a
needle and turn it into a compass.
For further details of the equipment needed to run a session and
arrange a ZOOM call with Paul to fit in with your timetable, please
contact him on'