This is the 5th incremental blog in the Established Leader section of the Primary Computing Leadership Journey. The elements in this section are covered in more detail in the brand new whole day face to face course: Leading Primary Computing Module 3. Please click on the infographic below to navigate through the different sections and access all of the resources and training:
When I show children the list of computing, technology and digital jobs on the National Careers Service website, there seems to be a job in there for everyone (the games tester is a particularly popular one!). We also talk about jobs that aren’t specifically in the area of ‘computing’ but still require the use of computers and digital skills. In fact, you’d be hard pushed to think of a future career that doesn’t involve computers, even if only in the form of communication, sales, using an app to check your shifts etc…
But what about actively pursuing a career in computing? What about preparing primary age pupils for careers full stop? Isn’t that too early?
Have a read of this excellent report by Education and Employers Research: Career-related learning in primary. It gives a very interesting insight into the taxonomy of teacher roles within a primary context, with regards to career-related learning and what good careers provision looks like in a primary school setting.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Ambassadors are always a great shout when inviting visitors in to inspire your pupils, there is a fab short course from the NCCE on how to engage with them and with pupils about their aspirations: Careers and enrichment in primary computing with STEM Ambassadors. To request a STEM Ambassador, see the STEM website here: How STEM Ambassadors support primary teaching.
There are also these pages on the NCCE site. Although they may be more aimed at secondary, they certainly have some useful information and ideas: Where next? Careers in computing, technology and digital and this one, which is a collection of videos from adults in computing roles giving their testimony: Careers in Computer Science
There is also the “My Skills, My Life” initiative (as mentioned here in the Belonging page of the NCCE Wesbite), developed by WISE and geared around highlighting females in STEM Careers, adapted to primary learning in the form of a Year 5 computing unit. I have taught this myself and it was absolutely brilliant, we ended up linking live to a woman who was a software developer, and some of the questions my class asked her were so insightful and her answers truly inspired our girls and boys alike.
Have you had any experience in promoting computing careers? What went well? Let us know in the comments!
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