Ofsted’s research review for science, published in April 2021, makes for interesting reading.
Pleasingly, there is a section highlighting that there should be ‘coherence between mathematics and science’. The review goes on to advocate that ‘subject leaders should work together to understand how and when knowledge taught in their respective subjects is similar and different.’
The more I work with science teachers to understand the mathematics content in the science curriculum, the more apparent it becomes that there is no ‘quick fix’ to students being able to apply their mathematics skills and knowledge in science. It is also clear that there is a real need for mathematics teachers and science teachers to work together for the benefit of their students.
This need is illustrated in the recent ‘Mathematics guidance: Key Stage 3’ publication. It advises that standard form be taught in maths in the summer term of year 9. From a mathematics curriculum point of view, this makes sense, as it builds upon prior knowledge covered in year 7. But from a science teacher perspective, this is too late. Students will meet standard form in their science lessons well before they meet it in maths in year 9.
So how can we work more closely? When beginning on this journey, the following questions are useful for starting points for discussion:
- Awareness: are science teachers aware of what is taught in mathematics, and when it is taught? Are maths teachers being aware of the mathematics demands in science and when mathematics is required?
- Methods: do all maths teachers use the same methods? Do all science teachers use the same methods? Is there consistency both within and across departments?
- Language/Notation: do we use the same language and notation? Where we do not, is it acknowledged?
- Resources: are there any mathematics resources that can be used in science lessons? Which science examples can be used in mathematics lessons?
I agree with the majority of Ofsted’s research review for science; it is clear that there is a need for collaboration between mathematics and science teachers. However, there is one section I do take issue with; where it states that ‘mathematics teachers have less to gain than science teachers’ from collaboration. From my own experience, every time I work with science teachers I learn something new about how mathematics is applied in science, knowledge which I can use to better my mathematics teaching.
Change takes time and needs to be embedded in practice for it to be long-lasting and effective. That is why I look forward to working with mathematics and science teachers once again at the National STEM Learning Centre in York where we will once again explore the mathematics in science and the science in mathematics, and how the subjects can work.
We have a wider range of residential CPD taking place to tackle the maths content required to teach various science subjects so you can choose your subject below: