
Helping students deal with exam anxiety - news articles

By Steve Castle posted 16-05-2022 10:03

Helping students with exam anxiety is very much in the news currently - check out this Guardian article which provides seven key pieces of advice for parents and carers on this very subject – and this FE News blog is ideal for tips to pass directly on to students.
1 comment


18-05-2022 16:35

Thank you for sharing this @Steve Castle - some great ideas in both those blogs and some reassurance too.  I especially like the bit about talking openly about stress and anxiety.  I remember once watching a documentary about the Royal Navy preparing for an exercise at sea and the Captain telling the soldiers and sailors that nerves are normal, in fact 'nerves are what tell us we are alive' - as a born worrier I find that incredibly helpful. 
One word of caution about the FE News Blog - educators are likely to take exception to the advice about learning styles, as the basis for this has been cast into doubt for some years now - mixing up the way you learn and revise and trying out different ways of learning is probably good advice though.       ​
