
Cooling the classroom: extreme heat in schools

By Tim Bradbury posted 26-06-2024 08:29

Extreme heat events are becoming more likely as a result of climate change.  A group of researchers at the University of York is interested in finding out how schools are responding to extreme heat.  If you work in a school in the UK, please consider sharing your views and experiences in this short survey which should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete.
We are interested in the perceptions and experiences of all school staff members, so we would be grateful if you could also share it with your colleagues who you think would be able to answer the questions.
Thank you! 
@Maria Turkenburg (on behalf of the research team)
Maria Turkenburg-van Diepen DPhil PhD     she | her | zij | haar
Research Associate
University of York Science Education Group
Department of Education
Derwent College K-block room D/K/100A
tel +44 (0)1904 323469
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD
